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Всем привет! 👋🏻

Всем привет! 👋🏻

У нас для вас прекрасные новости! 💓

В этот понедельник, 26 октября, в 18:00 МСК в рамках предстоящей партнерской программы Национального Института Дизайна и IED Istituto Europeo di Design состоится онлайн-лекция арт-директора IED Giovanni Ottonello:

“Randomness doesn´t exist! Broaden the perspective to see the big picture! / Хаоса не существует! Расширяем кругозор, чтобы увидеть стратегическую цель!”

📌Обязательна регистрация - по ссылке.

🔑Лекция пройдет на английском языке (с переводом на русский язык).

⏰Продолжительность: около 40 минут.

Подробнее о лекции.

“What does it really take today to be successful? What does it mean today to be contemporary? These are some of the questions that are often asked by those who want to become a designer, who want to open a brand or hope to work in a company. I always answer with two words: curiosity and pareidolia. If we cannot read the codes around us, if we can't make the connections with different worlds we can never really be creative. What is pareidolia? It is an instinctive phenomenon, that is the tendency to see recognizable shapes and objects in the amorphous structures that surround us. In short, to see what is not there! We will try to apply this method to the world of design, cinema, fashion, photography to better understand how much the identity of each of us is fundamental to be true professionals of today and maybe of the future.” Giovanni Ottonello



Источник: https://vk.com/designinst?w=wall-602695_4294